Scientific Definition & Classification of TMJ

TMD is considered by some to be one of the 4 major symptom complexes in chronic orofacial pain, along with burning mouth syndrome, atypical facial pain and atypical odontalgia. TMD has been considered as a type of musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, or rheumatological disorder. It has also been called a functional pain syndrome, and a psychogenic disorder.


Symptoms & Prevalence Of TMD

The signs and symptoms include jaw clicking, popping and locking, stiff or sore jaw muscles, neck and backaches, stuffiness and pain in the ears and temple area, headaches, and dizziness or even fainting.

Patients rarely think to consult a dentist when experiencing TMD symptoms. Commonly, sufferers may complain of an ear infection or any of the other co-morbidities when in fact the problem is TMD…


The TMJ- Sleep Apnea Connection

Patients have asked me,”I snore and grind my teeth at night and my jaw clicks, Do you think I have Sleep Apnea?

TMD is called “The Great Imposter.” The symptoms can both overlap and mimic those of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Some dentists believe that TMD is partly the existence of a TMJ problem and partly the manifestation of a Sleep Disordered Breathing problem, such as Sleep Apnea. The simplest way…
